Saturday, February 16, 2013

Evolutionary Biology as a Stepping Stone for the Development of Anti-Cancer Treatments

One of the most promising areas for the application of evolutionary principles in the fight against disease seems to be cancer treatment. Cancer itself is a disease rooted in one of the most fundamental principles of evolution; mutation. The NIH defines cancer as the "uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body." (Dugdale 2012) These cells are abnormal because they reproduce at an increased rate or stop the process of apoptosis (programmed cell death). These abnormalities are genetic, caused by mutations in oncogenes. There are numerous genes which regulate cell growth and death and thus even cancers originating from the same organs can have very different genotypes and respond differently to treatment. This is what makes cancer such a pernicious disease. Unlike atherosclerosis (treated by regulating blood pressure and lowering LDL levels) or diabetes (treated relatively effectively with well regulated insulin injections) there is no “one size fits all” treatment for cancer. Therefore, it seems, an understanding of everyone’s cancer cell genome will be exceedingly helpful in tailoring a treatment specific to their disease. This type of individualized treatment has become much more viable as the cost of genotyping cells has declined. Knowledge of the cancer’s genome allows oncologists to employ more targeted treatments rather than the broad brushed “forms of cytotoxic chemotherapy and radiation therapy” (Hannun 1997) that are in most cases still the standard of care.
However, even with the knowledge of a cancer’s genome oncologists are still battling the forces of natural selection. They may be successful in eliminating the most aggressive or most prevalent strain of cancer, but may leave behind mutant cancer strains which then go on to fill the niche emptied by the cancer treatment. A new treatment is required because “tumors that are intrinsically resistant to chemotherapy are unable to activate the apoptotic machinery and may therefore be fundamentally resistant to chemotherapeutic cell death” (Hannun 1997). Furthermore, the selectivity of current chemotherapy treatments for cancer cells is limited and these treatments are usually accompanied by debilitating side effects. Cancer cells “may preferentially undergo cell cycle arrest or other nonapoptotic responses to damaging insults” and therefore “selectivity over normal cells may not be achievable”(Hannun 1997). Doctors have therefore begun to look towards the immune system for effective treatment options. The merit of a treatment utilizing our own immune machinery is that the immune cells could, in theory, adapt to the mutations in cancer cells and therefore treat multiple related cancer strains much more effectively than a targeted therapy.
Researchers have discovered a dendritic immune cell (DC) which is believed to influence which foreign matter is attacked by the immune system and which is left alone. While “B and T lymphocytes are the mediators of immunity…their function is under the control of dendritic cells” (Banchereau & Steinman 1998). The DCs “display many fine dendrites” (Banchereau & Steinman 1998) which are used to capture potential antigens. DCs exist in the “skin, airways and lymphoid organs” (Banchereau & Steinman 1998) in their immature form. When exposed to pathogens however the DCs undergo a transformation during which “antigen-capturing devices disappear, and T-cell stimulatory functions increase” (Banchereau & Steinman 1998) thereby allowing the DCs to communicate with T-cells and confer information about the new pathogen. Researchers believe that they can use these cells to induce the immune system to attack cancer cells as well as to treat other diseases such as HIV or TB. (Engber 2012) Vaccines have been synthesized with cancer markers and activators which attract DCs, but cancer response to these treatments has been limited and, like other treatments, variable from patient to patient. Researchers believe that large tumors that have become prolific enough to affect a patient’s health have mutated in such a fashion so as to be ignored by T-cells so immunotherapy treatments must be tailored to bypass these disguises. Hopefully, through an increased understanding of evolution, biology and chemistry a breakthrough in customized immune therapy is not that far off.

Works Cited

Banchereau, Jacques, and Ralph M. Steinman. "Dendritic Cells and the Control of Immunity." Nature 392 (1998): 245-52. Print. 

Dugdale, David C. "Cancer." Cancer. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 3 Sept. 2012
           Web. 16 Feb. 2013.

Engber, Daniel. "Is the Cure for Cancer Inside You?" NY Times. N.p., 21 Dec. 2012
           Web. 16 Feb. 2013.

Hannun, Yusuf A. "Apoptosis and the Dilemma of Cancer Chemotherapy." The Journal of the American Society of Hematology, 15 Mar. 1997.Web. 16 Feb. 2013.

word count: 656
Ben Kirby


  1. Are the DCs related to neurons by any chance? Since axons and dendrites are parts of a neuron.

  2. Cool findings! It's great that finding the cure for cancer could also mean a cure for HIV, TB, and other diseases.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I think it's really cool that cancer treatments are progressing towards more a "personalized" approach and catering to the individual. Perhaps further studies can be done to determine whether there are certain patient characteristics (eg: white cell counts, co-morbidities) that make them more or less responsive to treatment than others.

  5. Oncology is a very interesting field because of the many different types of cancers and the various behaviors of cancer cells. I could see treatment with dendritic cells becoming popular, especially if patients can avoid the adverse affects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy by fighting cancer with their own immunity.

  6. I agree with Rande that it is indeed interesting that researchers are using immune cells to address cancer. However, while individualized approaches can be more beneficial on a individual level, I do question if customized therapy is the way to go. Do you think that this would result in the therapy being too impractical for widespread usage since the majority might not be able to afford it? (since specificity is usually correlated the cost)
